Weekly Mayhem!!!

A Blizzard of snow
makes the world go slow
A ray of shine
Makes a bad Monday fine
Alabaster,armenta and Orscenia
all of Tuesday's colours in my head
Sleeping through Wednesday on my bed
no worries no tension
no money no pension
The flowers continue to wilt away
The worries seem to come and stay
Trafficking my sorrows and peddling my grief
Ir realize i have woken but am still in my briefs
My destiny lay elsewhere
i was treading the wrong path
Questions never cease to end
Why is a curve also a bend
A bump in the path
or a runway to glory
Art on Thursday
Tiredness of the body
Friday night mayhem for Saturday night derby
A day's chore a night of slumber ,excuse me could i have ur phone number
add me to your shopping cart
eat in or takeaway
keep it or use and throw away
A xerox copy of my feelings put up for sale on eBay
some bids come someone will take them away
and maybe remember to die another day
by Sunday all shall be gone and little to stay
all i know is that i live for today


Manik said…
its legen..
wait for it daryyyyyyyyyyy..
LEGENDARYYY..and i edited it :P
add that..
Unknown said…
1 line ...thats it...u dont call that editin..u call that review :)

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