Finding myself!!

My research ends with Google search
Trying to find my true self
Delving into my thoughts
Search spiders scrambling my brains
My mind is roaming in the alpine plains
Plunging into the pacific from there
My mind is on a trip to nowhere
No stone unturned
No site unsearched
The results are about to be shown to me
Alas! Google returns no results for me
Confused yet determined in the search for glory
I head towards unexplored territory
I stare and gaze at the library steps
Hoping this will lead me to my destiny
A building so far I hadn’t entered before
Was supposedly my pathway to glory?
The spirit walk was about to begin
No one to disturb me
I am engulfed by an atmosphere of serenity
So I sit at a desk
My mind calm n cool
I close my eyes to think
But all I can see is an ocean of ink!
Drowning into my sketchy thoughts
I fall into slumber
When I wake up, I find myself amidst logs of lumber
Been thrown out of the place
I gather myself as my thoughts pick up pace
The librarian, an evil bitch to the core
Was mad at me for my rendezvous full of sleep and snores
She triumphed, as she saw me fail
In my endeavour to find my Holy Grail


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