Rider in the storm

I rode into the storm alone,
Didn't know what was in store for me....
Left me wondering at my foolishness..
To venture into the stormy sea..
No worry no tension..
No money no pension..
Bravado or plain stupidity..
Reducing danger to a mere fallacy..
as i gazed into the starry skies
The grander scheme of things played out..
Everything became ever so clear..
Who am i to change the past or the future..
Am i the king or the pawn..
Left waiting for a new dawn..
A new day comes
A new adventure shall come


Tanvi said…
hey... well written dude! and the new dawn shall surely come!!!
great poem!:)
Unknown said…
thank u... i had written dis fr timepass...it feels nice that someone actually likes my poems..

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