Chelsea vs Manchester United

Primary school teacher in London: "Today children, we'll be talking
about football...I want everyone in the class to raise there hand if
you support
Chelsea", everyone in the class raises an hand except
young Billy at the back of the room..."Billy, how come you don't
CHELSEA like the rest of your classmates?", "well miss, my
dad was born in Manchester so he supports
Manchester United ,my mum was born in Manchester united so she supports Man utd.and I was born in Manchester Utd. so i'll support Manchester United as
well" replies Billy, "You know Billy, you don't always have to follow
what your mum and dad do, I mean...if your dad was a burglar and your
mum was a prostitute what would you do?" asks the teacher....Billy
looks disgruntled and replies "i'd probably be a
Chelsea supporter
like the rest of the class!!!!!!"


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