
Showing posts from May, 2008


Control alter delete.... My life never followed this instruction.. It never reset like my PC after an error.. Errors are a part of my process.. Wish there was a task manager who controlled my active processes.. My mind gets weighed down with a deluge of facts.. Almost hitting of as Hard in the gastro-intestinal tract... Rhyming words never made much sense But still in an age to achieve poetic beauty there has to be a pact.. Holy WWW shit,Sync up with my Pod, Lets go fishing without a rod Random is a state of mind... Never thought much abou something Or anything much about something She had driven me crazy In the winter sun i suffer heartburn On the green blades of glassy grass I lay there stoned as a red meteor from outer space.. Musings of a broken heart... The emptiness of feelings in the vast wilderness of this ugly world Life as it is in this Dog eat Pig Universe of ours.. The pain lingers ... The sense of achievement lost in oblivion.. Respect, Power, Agony, Dogma... All part o...

random poetry

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty dumpty had a great fall... All the king horses and all the kings men Kicked him and threw him again.. Avram Grant had pudding n pie, Kissed the players n made them cry, And when Abrahamovic came out to play He kissed him too coz they were all gay :D